Friday, August 31, 2018

Welcome to Preschool!

The preschoolers are officially off and running!  The first few days of school have been fantastic.  We are off to a great start of new routines, places, teachers, friendships and learning.  Room L53 has been filled with laughter, smiles and conversation as the children get to know each other and we get to know them!

Forming friendships...

The first few weeks of school we focus on building a caring, loving and trusting community within our classroom through group activities, name games/songs, long periods of purposeful play and stories with a social/emotional focus such as friendship, responsibility and emotions.  We have great conversation about what a community is, what people within a community do for each other and we practice those every day!  The children are adjusting to the routines beautifully and we will slowly layer in more learning experiences and inquiries as the month goes on.

We completed our first classroom collaborative project this week.  The children worked together to create a class wreath! They weaved ribbon and various patterned bead strands in order to create it.  The beauty of our first classroom community project is that it is something we all created together, not individually.  It will hang nicely in our classroom as a symbol of our loving and caring classroom community.

(encouraging children to use their knowledge of letter sounds to write words as they are interested and curious is another important early literacy component you will see children exploring this year...example in picture includes the word "community") 

The children loved meeting some new specialists!  This week we went to art with Ms. Grams, P.E. with Mr. Swallen and music with Mrs. Mazion!

Here is a photo of the kids in music...

 And gym...

Happy and hungry preschoolers!  They sure build up an appetite when they are busy exploring Breck school!  The children are learning the daily lunch routines and are doing a great job using their manners.  We are getting to know the biddies (our 4th grade helpers).  Eating family style allows for meaningful and quality conversation with the kids.  It is the perfect time to get to know them!

The children are learning all about the classroom environment where lots of learning will take place this year.  A favorite introduction this week was sensory exploration.  We used the preschool project room to make discoveries with the classroom sensory tables.  Our sensory table will be filled with many different materials throughout the school year that will invite the children to create, investigate, and explore, all while using their senses.  The next few weeks it will be filled with sand and various measuring tools.


Why is sensory play so important?

*It naturally facilitates and encourages the children to use the scientific process while they play, create, investigate and explore.
*Sensory activities allow children to refine their thresholds for different sensory information.  Research shows that it builds nerve connections in the brain's pathways to assist with further learning in later years!
*Sensory play supports language development, cognitive growth, fine motor skills, problem solving skills and social interaction.
...The list goes on!

The children started painting letters for our classroom letter/word wall they will soon be referring to for our various early literacy experiences.  The children slowly help create the environment they will be immersed learning in all year.  It is their space for learning so we believe they should have ownership of it!


We ended the week with play dough exploration and that was another favorite for many!  Play dough is wonderful for sensory play, creative expression and small motor development.  Soon, we will use it to practice letter formation, recognition and sound/symbol connection.  This week, we just had fun experimenting, playing and exercising the muscles in our hands!

Looking forward to a great year with these friends...
















We can't wait for next week!

Specialists Next Week

9/4- Day 6- Morning Art
9/5- Day 1- Morning P.E. and afternoon Library
9/6- Day 2- Morning Music
9/7- Day 3- Morning Art and Afternoon P.E.

Dates to Remember:

Monday, September 3rd- Labor Day No School

Thursday, September 13th- Back To School Night 5:45

Tuesday, September 18th- Picture Day

Thursday, September 20th- Field Trip to Minnetonka Apple Orchard

Friday, September 21st- Wear BLUE and GOLD Day

Saturday, September 22nd- Blessing of the Animals and Breck Homecoming

Have a wonderful long weekend!


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